
This blog is a non judgmental space where you can be completely yourself, however, please keep in mind that there are many different points of views, not right or wrong, just different. With that being said, be kind, compassionate and remember this is my blog and I welcome  you to be apart of it. I am not in the practice of  hatred, anything demeaning, religious or political slander, everyone has something to bring to the table. If you cannot abide by any of these statements I will remove you and/or have you blocked. Everyone has the right to express one's own self in their journey and with their feelings. My mother once said, "Feelings aren't right or wrong, there just your feelings". So please keep that in mind.

Just to be clear about this blog and it's contents..... these are strictly my personal experiences, thoughts, opinions and ideas. I am NOT a professional, and I should not be used as a replacement for needing professional care. There is NO SHAME in needing professional help... ever! I, myself have received professional care, and that was one of the best and wisest, not mention most courageous decisions I could have ever made. So please, if you need professional mental care or even physical care find a professional health care provider in your area or call 911 if it's an emergency.

If you feel or have thoughts of hurting yourself, someone else, or thoughts of suicide, or no  someone who is, please contact the suicide prevention hotline. Below is the website for both a US hotline and a International hotline. Also know up front that if I read or hear something from any of you readers or subscribers that indicate any of the above issues, I will personally contact the hotline on your behalf. Why.... because you are loved and needed in this world, and I won't turn a blind eye to anyone so desperate that they feel they need to harm themselves in anyway. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalms 139

Suicide Prevention Help for You or Someone You Know – SAVE.html