



In memory of this beautiful young soul, Kari Jo Hartman. My friend, Sean's sweet love, had talent beyond her years. I never had the pleasure of meeting her, but I am however a big fan! This is my favorite song of hers. Sean sent it to me, when I was having a hard time. Thank you my friend. Cheers to Kari & Sean!

 A song for Flo

                                                                                                                                                       Matthew's song.

Faith's song.


***In memory of my sister in law, Melissa. This song played at the time of her death this year (January 2023). It's so fitting because this song says exactly the kind of things she would say to me. I listen to it when I'm thinking about her, which is quite often. She was forty-eight, just like the song says. A lot of people didn't understand her, but her and I, we understood each other.

     So me...                                                                                                                       My healing song

My heart!                                                                                                                          From someone that knows me, and that I love very much.




Good things come to those who wait. For my friend, Beth, this rings true. Her patience has served her well. Beth has indeed found "One of the good ones" and I'm so incredibly happy for her! Here is to Beth and her Muse, Shane! 

                                                                                                                                          Wherever you are Adam, still true.

A song for Joseph and all my readers


                                                                                                                                         For Paula & Ren